Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's been a while

It's been a while since I posted last. It's been busy. I was laid up from running for a while because of bronchitis. It seemed to take forever to get over it and knocked me flat on my butt. I'm back up to basically where I was before I got sick now. I'm now trying out a training schedule to run a 5K race. I haven't actually picked a race yet but I figure I may as well start training now. The schedule looks like this:

Wed Thurs Fri
Sat Sun
1.5 m run CT 1.5 m run (race pace) Rest 2 m run 30 min EZ
2 m run CT 1 m run (race pace) Rest 2.5 m run 30 min EZ
2 mi run CT 1.5 m run (race pace) Rest 2.5 m run 30 min EZ
2.5 m run CT 1.5 m run (race pace) Rest 3 m run 35-40 min EZ
3 m run CT 1.5 m run (race pace) Rest 3.5 m run 35-40 min EZ
3.5 m run CT 1.5 m run (race pace) Rest 4 m run 35-40 min EZ
3 m run CT 1.5 m run (race pace) Rest 4 m run 40 min EZ
3 m run CT or Rest 2 m run Rest Rest 5K Race!

I'm on week 1 right now. Today is cross training and I plan to do a little "boot camp" style workout. Lots of muscle building but going easy on the running muscles.

I do have a goal in mind though. I've decided that I want to run in the Ottawa 10K during the marathon weekend there next May. I was really torn between the 10K and doing the Half. Realistically though, I cant commit to the training it would take for the half right now. I mean that I need to work up to being able to run for 2 hours or so. Even if I physically could run for two hours straight right now, I simply don't have 2 hours in which to run. So I've set my sights on the 10K. I don't expect to win or even place, I just don't want to be last. I know, I know ... I'm shooting for the stars right?

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