Sunday, August 9, 2009

I have seen 5K

I have seen it, I know what it looks like and it isn't as scary as I believed.

I was getting discouraged with my progress, or lack there of, and decided to find a running forum to get some advice. I seemed to be stuck in a 2.5 to 3K rut. The people there reassured me that the progress that I had made was pretty standard. So I didn't feel too bad. One of them suggested that I expand my distance and run it in 10 and 1's to build endurance. So that's what I've done. I mapped out a nice 5K route, through the ritzy part of my neighbourhood. I don't know what it is about running past houses that I will never afford in my lifetime, but I like it. For anyone who doesn't know what a 10 and 1 is, you run for 10 minutes and walk for 1 minute to rest your legs before picking up the run again for 10 minutes and so on. I have to admit that after my 2nd set, my 10 and 1's became more like 5 and 1's. But I made it through the whole 5K and I absolutely ran way more than I walked so I'm proud of that. Seeing the distance made me feel that I really can do it.

Taking the dog on a run is helpful. It never fails that she gives me a perfectly legit reason to stop about halfway through my run. I am a responsible dog owner after all! I do make her carry her own poop, I tie the baggy to the leash. Poor Bella, as soon as we got home she took a great big drink and flopped to the floor for about an hour nap. She's good company on my runs though and doesn't seem to mind much. I think it's funny that she's not a big dog (half Boston Terrier and half Shih Tzu - that's a whole other story) but I'm slow enough that she never has to break out of her little trot to keep up with me.

Pork and Beans by Weezer was good on this run. I listened to it a few times. It always makes me smile.

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