Saturday, July 4, 2009

Woo hoo!

I haven't written much because there really hasn't been much to write about.

I had a little laugh the other night while I was out. I had my mp3 player blasting in my ears. I was bobbing my head and mouthing the lyrics. I've found that angry music helps the most while I run. I don't know why. I think I frightened this nice family of four though. I can't imagine what they thought when this lady in a pink t-shirt came loping by them, bobbing her head and wheezing the lyrics to South Texas Deathride by Union Underground.

I reached a milestone today. I was able to jog a full 3K without walking. Woot! I actually felt like a runner today. My legs felt great and I could just keep going. I think it makes a difference whether I run during the morning or evening. In the morning I've found that I can go much farther and my legs feels much better. In the evening it's always been a struggle. Maybe I'm just tired out from the day by the time 8 o'clock rolls around. Unfortunately, I don't get much chance for morning runs during the week so I'll just have to make do with what I can do.

It felt really good to keep going today. I'm now inspired to map a 5K route now and start chipping away at it.

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